The Hechinger Report

Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education


The Hechinger Report is an independent, nonprofit journalism organization that is committed to shining a spotlight on education inequality in every story we assign, exposing problems and wrongdoing while seeking out and reporting on solutions. We publish stories that critically evaluate proposed solutions and research, as well as showcase promising, evidence-based models. Our work in every area includes a solutions lens that helps policymakers and the public understand what’s working – and why.

About our journalism

Our hard-earned reputation for high-quality and unbiased reporting has allowed us to build a robust partnership model, through which we’ve placed stories with over 180 collaborators since our inception in 2010, ranging from the nation’s most influential media (e.g., NBC News, The New York Times, PBS NewsHour, USA Today, and the Washington Post) to a host of local & regional newspapers and public radio stations.

We’ve provided stories and data that local newsrooms couldn’t otherwise produce themselves, teamed up with reporters to augment projects they were working on with national context and data support, and developed young reporters through our fellowships.


New York, NY, USA



Year Founded