PublicSource inspires critical thinking and bold ideas through journalism rooted in facts, diverse voices and the pursuit of transparency. We tell stories for a better Pittsburgh.
About our journalism
PublicSource is Pittsburgh’s home for impactful journalism and community-driven storytelling. Our dedicated team of journalists is committed to demystifying the issues that matter most to our readers. We champion transparency and accountability from those who are in power. Our fact-checked local news spans critical topics, including the environment, health, education, community development and local government.
Criminal Justice, Economic Development, Education (K - 12), Elections & Voting, Environment & Climate, Equity, Inequality & Justice, Government - Local, Health & Medicine, Higher Education, Housing & Unhoused Communities, Politics - Local, Public Safety, Racial & Ethnic Identity, Systemic Inequity, Transportation, Voting Access & Rights
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Year Founded