PolitiFact exposes political misinformation that threatens our democracy and provides accurate information to citizens.
About our journalism
Each day, PolitiFact journalists look for statements to fact-check. We read transcripts, speeches, news stories, press releases, and campaign brochures. We watch TV and scan social media. Readers send us suggestions via email to truthometer@politifact.com; we often fact-check statements submitted by readers. Because we can’t feasibly check all claims, we select the most newsworthy and significant ones.
In deciding which statements to check, we consider these questions:
• Is the statement rooted in a fact that is verifiable? We don’t check opinions, and we recognize that in the world of speechmaking and political rhetoric, there is license for hyperbole.
• Does the statement seem misleading or sound wrong?
• Is the statement significant? We avoid minor “gotchas” on claims that are obviously a slip of the tongue.
• Is the statement likely to be passed on and repeated by others?
• Would a typical person hear or read the statement and wonder: Is that true?
St Petersburg, FL, USA
Year Founded