
Equity in education


All students deserve access to a quality and equitable education in California and beyond. As a nonprofit, independent newsroom, EdSource knows that an informed, involved public is necessary to strengthen education and improve opportunities now and in the future. Since 1977, EdSource has delivered education analysis and continues to be an indispensable authority on the most pressing education issues in California and the nation.

About our journalism

EdSource distributes its content in a variety of formats, including a daily newsletter, weekly podcast, documentaries, roundtables, and via social media channels. The organization also provides valuable content and resources on its website and manages Ed-Data.org, a highly regarded database tool for California’s preK-12 education system. EdSource’s value, and the high regard in which it is held, was underscored during the pandemic, during which time the organization’s online readership tripled. Our free, daily email newsletter, distributed to more than 61,000 subscribers, has become a “must read” for education policymakers, advocates, parents, school administrators, students, and others concerned about the future of public education.


Oakland, CA, USA



Year Founded